CSP - IT Rep - Backup

Last updated: January 19, 2023
function infosys() { alert("UBC Information Systems are an integrated set of components for collecting, storing, and processing data and for providing information, to obtain a desired outcome. They are usually comprised of multiple UBC Systems (e.g. servers, applications, endpoint devices etc)."); } function myFunction1() { alert("Hello! Message 2"); } -->

15. Backup

What is the percentage of UBC Servers and Applications under my control that are regularly backed up to a secure location and checked periodically (preferably quarterly) to ensure the integrity and availability of the information is such that it can be restored?

Why is this Essential?

Backups are an essential for disaster recovery and business continuity processes, which reduce harm in the event of system failure/data loss due to human error, hardware failure, software failure, malware (like ransomware), power failure, natural disasters, etc.

A process to both backup and periodically check the integrity of backups can save time and money when it comes to restoring a system, data or configuration(s) in an event of a failure.

Reference Links​
Information Security Standards – U7 – Securing Computing and Mobile Storage Devices/Media
Backups - Information Security Guideline
Privacy Matters @UBC – Back up my data



What is Acceptable?
  1. A minimum inventory of servers and applications must exist in order to answer this question.
  2. All systems are managed by UBC IT and have a Service Level Commitment covering backup is in place.
  3. Cloud systems have been reviewed to ensure appropriate backup and recovery testing.
  4. If the system is managed by a vendor or third-party, there in an agreement in place to ensure appropriate backup and recovery testing is happening.
  5. If self-managed, backups are run and tested.


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