Spear Phishing Emails

Staff member reviewing email and scratching head

Don't Take the Bait

What are Spear-Phishing Emails?

The difference between spear phishing and general phishing emails is subtle. With general phishing attacks, a message is sent to large groups of people with specific common characteristics or other identifiers (e.g. all staff at UBC). Spear phishing campaigns, on the other hand, appear to come from a trusted source that is closer to the target. Cybercriminals send these personalized emails to one person or a few persons who share a connection, such as working in the same department.

Spear phishing attacks are harder to defend against because they look like regular emails to most email security systems. Spear phishing attacks are especially dangerous because of the patience and detail that go into them.

For a spear phishing attack, the cybercriminal will study an individual or organization enough to know that if they send an email focused on a particular topic, the receiver is going to take the time to look at it.

Staff member concentrating on screen and typing on laptop

How Can I Recognize Spear-Phishing Emails?

The success of spear phishing depends on three things: the email must appear to come from a known and trusted individual; there is information within the message that supports its validity; and the request, made by the individual, seems to have a logical basis (e.g. processing a payment for a vendor).

There are a few signs to help recognize a spear phishing email:

"Too busy to talk"The person sending the email will either be too busy to talk or in a meeting and will only be available by email.
"Need money fast"The sender will request payments or wire transfers immediately and there is an urgency to the email.
"Are you at your desk" or "Got a moment?"The sender typically follows the response to this with an urgent request for a wire transfer, or request to purchase gift cards.
Email addresses that are slightly offThe attacker will register a similar domain name to the targeted organization but with an additional letter or number (e.g. sender@ubcc.ca)
Emails sent from Gmail or HotmailBe wary of emails sent from Gmail, Hotmail or other free email domains.
Something seems offIf the wording or the language used in the email seems strange, it could be a sign of a fraudulent email. (e.g. they start with "Dear John" when they usually say "Hi or Hello")
Email address changes when you reply to the messageWhen reading the email, the sender address appears to be the expected UBC address; however, upon replying, a different email address (typically non-UBC) is shown in the To: field.

In particular, watch out for these specific types of spear phishing attempts:

CEO FraudA business email compromise where fake CEO emails demand that finance transfer funds immediately to a fake account for a supposed merger or payment for a vendor.
WhalingA spear-phishing attack that is aimed at an especially valuable target such as a CEOhigh-profile, important political figure, or extremely high-value security credentials.
Business Email CompromiseSimilar to a whaling attack, but aimed at a less high-profile victim. For example, sending emails to an accountant to try to convince them to transfer funds for a fake business transaction.

How Can I Protect Myself Against Spear-Phishing?

Watch out for emails with unusual requests and ensure that before you release a payment, you have two people sign off on all documentation. UBC also recommends speaking with your supervisor to clarify that the request is authentic.

Staff member concentrating on screen and typing on laptop while sitting at desk at workplace

Additional steps to protect yourself include:  

If an email is unexpected or considered to be unusual then scrutinize any links in the message. Do not click them and instead type them into your browser, provided you feel the URL is authentic, in order to manually access the linked material.
If the email claims a software or upgrade needs to be done university-wide, verify it by checking with your Departmental IT Support Staff
If the email is about something that has nothing to do with your job (e.g. processing an invoice) ignore it
Don't open attachments if the message is from an unknown sender or if the attachment is irrelevant to your job
If the email looks suspicious, verify its legitimacy by phone or in person with the sender listed in the email header (if they insist they are too busy to talk, that is a red flag)
Trust your gut, if the sender’s standard email format isn’t followed (e.g. their signature has changed or their email just doesn’t sound quite like them), follow up to see if it's legitimate
Take a look through examples of spear phishing attempts, and learn how to recognize the signs of a malicious email
Report any suspicious email messages to security@ubc.ca


Energy & Water Services team meeting

What Can My Department Do to Protect Itself Against Spear-Phishing Attacks?

To help protect against spear phishing, UBC asks departments to:

Ensure that systems used in performing financial transactions receive periodic validation and are protected by strict technical controls
Make certain that personnel involved in performing online financial transactions have the necessary security awareness and training
Routinely audit compliance with established technical controls and policies
Reserve special-use computers to use SOLELY for banking transactions. No other use of the machine should be permitted (e.g. no email, no web browsing, no general-purpose business use), only institutional online banking transactions

If you have any questions or receive a suspicious email, please send a message to security@ubc.ca

Examples of Spear Phishing Messages Examples of Spear Phishing Messages

"Too busy to talk"

From: <Dean of Faculty>

To: <recipient's email address>

Subject: Request

I'm in a meeting at the moment and I need you to assist in processing a payment to a vendor for a consulting service for $20,850. Can I send the details?

"Something seems off"

From: <Associate Dean of Faculty>

To: <recipient's email address>

Subject: Request

Gd Morning <recipient's first name>, Are you in the office? Please confirm you received my previous message.


<Associate Dean's first name>

Sent from my iPhone

"request for wire transfer out of the blue"

From: <Associate Dean of Faculty>

To: <recipient's email address>

Subject: Imperative

<recipient's first name>,

I need you to help me process a pending wire transfer after lunch, what details do you need?


<Dean's first name>

Sent from my iPhone


How Do I Report a Spear Phishing Email?

You should report spear phishing attempts by forwarding them as an attachment to the UBC Information Security office at security@ubc.ca

For assistance in reporting, see this guide to create quick steps in Microsoft Outlook for Windows to report phishing and remove it in one click.

Phishing victim concerned about how to report

If you see a suspicious email with UBC branding, logos, and language please contact the UBC Information Security office immediately at the email above. When we are made aware of a spear phishing campaign, we can immediately begin identifying and protecting accounts that may have been compromised.

Fast reporting from members of the UBC community has helped save many accounts from potential privacy breaches.

If you are working from a cellphone or tablet which makes it difficult for you to forward an attachment, please just forward the email to security@ubc.ca and then follow up with the attachment at your earliest opportunity, referencing the Incident ID which will have been automatically generated for you.

Go Further...

UBC Crest The official logo of the University of British Columbia. Urgent Message An exclamation mark in a speech bubble. Caret An arrowhead indicating direction. Arrow An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Chats Two speech clouds. Facebook The logo for the Facebook social media service. Information The letter 'i' in a circle. Instagram The logo for the Instagram social media service. Linkedin The logo for the LinkedIn social media service. Location Pin A map location pin. Mail An envelope. Menu Three horizontal lines indicating a menu. Minus A minus sign. Telephone An antique telephone. Plus A plus symbol indicating more or the ability to add. Search A magnifying glass. Twitter The logo for the Twitter social media service. Youtube The logo for the YouTube video sharing service. Bell Warning