Last updated: November 21, 2024

Companies like Apple and Google offer to generate "strong passwords" for your accounts. But are these suggestions truly secure, or are they just a convenient trap?
- Convenience: Suggested passwords are undeniably convenient. They eliminate the need for complex creation and memorization.
- Security by Design: Companies like Apple prioritize user security and may employ sophisticated algorithms to generate passwords far stronger than what most users could create themselves.
- Potential Leaks: If a company's password generation algorithm is compromised, all suggested passwords could become vulnerable. While rare, it's not an impossible scenario.
- Lack of Uniqueness: While strong, there's a chance suggested passwords might be reused across different accounts within the same ecosystem.
The Verdict:
Suggested passwords can be a good starting point, especially for low-risk accounts. However, relying solely on them poses security risks. Here's what you can do:
- Treat them as a Base: Use a suggested password and add your own personal twist – a specific symbol, number sequence, or word.
- Prioritize Uniqueness: Never use the same suggested password across different accounts, even within the same ecosystem.
- Consider a Password Manager: For maximum security, pair suggested passwords with a password manager that stores them securely and generates truly unique passwords for each account.