DPW 2022: How your data is collected

DPW 2022: How your data is collected

January 24, 2022

No doubt you’re accustomed to being asked for your consent to the collection of your personal information. That’s because the private-sector privacy laws that cover businesses and other private organizations are based on consent. Under these laws, organizations have to publish a privacy policy that explains how they use and disclose personal information. They are required to give individuals the opportunity to consent to the collection of this information. Not only that, but they must allow individuals to withdraw their consent at any time.

So why doesn’t UBC ask for your consent before collecting your information? Because UBC is a public body, not a private entity, and the public sector privacy law (the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, or FIPPA) allows public bodies to collect personal information without consent.

When you think about it, it makes sense that public bodies do not have to ask for your consent. They are legally required to provide public services and to do so, they sometimes need to collect personal information from the public.


Rules around the collection of personal information

While UBC doesn’t need to ask for your consent to collect your personal information, FIPPA contains strict rules around how such information is collected:

  • The personal information must directly relate to and be necessary for a program or activity of the public body.
  • No more information should be collected than necessary.
  • The information should be collected directly from you, not from a third party.
  • The public body must tell you its legal authority to collect the information, how the information will be used, and the contact information for somebody who can answer your questions about the collection.


Where to go for information:

To learn more about the collection of personal information by UBC, please review our Fact Sheet.


Data Privacy Day

On January 28, 2022, from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm, the Primacy Matters @ UBC team will discuss data privacy in more detail. 

We strongly encourage all UBC faculty and staff to register for this event and join the conversation. 

Visit https://privacymatters.ubc.ca/dpw2022 for more information.